Grade 2 Lesson 8 Let Me Help You... Question Preview (ID: 51625)
Grade 2 Lesson 8.
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Let me help you ________ (개에게 먹이를 주다)
a) feed the dog
b) feed the cat
c) wash the dog
d) wash the cat
Let me help you ________ (식물에 물을 주다)
a) wash the plants
b) water the flowers
c) water the wash
d) water the plants
Let me help you ________ (바닥을 빗자루로 쓸다)
a) vacuum the floor
b) dust the floor
c) sweep the floor
d) set the floor
Let me help you ________ (마루를 진공청소기로 청소하다)
a) vacuum the floor
b) sweep the floor
c) vacuum the wall
d) vacuum the ceiling
Let me help you ________ (부엌을 청소하다)
a) clean the bedroom
b) clean the living room
c) clean the kitchen
d) clean the dining room
Let me help you ________ (상자를 나르다)
a) carry the books
b) carry the boxes
c) keep the boxes
d) keep the books
Let me help you ________ (wash the car)
a) wash the car
b) wash the cat
c) wash the bike
d) wash the van
Let me help you ________ (거실의 먼지를 털다)
a) dust the vacuum cleaner
b) dust the living room
c) dust the kitchen
d) dry the living room
Chose one way to accept (수락)
a) No sorry.
b) Sorry I'm busy.
c) No thank you.
d) I appreciate it!
Choose one way to refuse (거절)
a) Thank you!
b) I appreciate it!
c) Great!
d) That's ok.
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