Unit 6-4 Labor 2 Question Preview (ID: 51607)
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A collective group of workers organizing is called a_______________ .
a) Riot
b) Demonstration
c) Labor Union
d) Mob
The number one goal of the Labor Union was______________________________ .
a) A longer Day
b) Peace
c) More Money
d) Eight hour Day
The second goal of Labor Unions was_____________________________________________ .
a) More pay
b) Arbitration
c) Sunday’s Off
d) More Paid Days Off
_______________ Cut wages by 20% and locked out union workers.
a) Andrew Jackson
b) Andrew Smith
c) Cornelius Don
d) Andrew Carnegie
The government stance on labor during the early 1900’s would be classified as______________________________ .
a) Laissez Faire
b) Hands On
c) Big Brother
d) Gunboat
In______________________________ a railroad strike took place when the owner cut wages by 10%.
a) 1887
b) 1987
c) 1788
d) 1877
President______________________________ had to send in the Military to end the labor dispute.
a) Obama
b) Carter
c) Jackson
d) Hayes
During the Railroad labor dispute,_______________ people were killed.
a) 900
b) 200
c) 700
d) 100
A bomb was thrown during a Labor meeting at the______________________________ .
a) Haymarket Square
b) Southgate
c) Homestead Square
d) Square Biz
The bombing was double edged as it gave the labor unions a rally cry and it______________________________ .
a) Turned people against Labor Unions
b) Made people think twice
c) Helped create dialogue
d) Helped increase security
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