Where In The Body? Question Preview (ID: 51597)

Consolidation - What Area Of The Body Would You Find These Body Parts? TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where in the body is the fibula?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body are the deltoids?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body is the humerus?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body is the mandible?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body is the sternum?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body is the hamstring?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body are the biceps?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body is the femur?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body is the clavicle?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body is the cranium?
a) Head
b) Chest
c) Upper limbs
d) Lower limbs

Where in the body are the intercostal muscles?
a) Head
b) Neck
c) Chest
d) Upper limbs

Where in the body is the trachea?
a) Head
b) Neck
c) Chest
d) Upper limbs

Where in the body is the diaphragm?
a) Head
b) Neck
c) Chest
d) Abdomen

Where in the body are the bronchi?
a) Head
b) Neck
c) Chest
d) Abdomen

Where in the body are the ribs?
a) Head
b) Neck
c) Chest
d) Abdomen

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