Division With Remainders Question Preview (ID: 51588)

Solve Problems With Remainders. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The entire Harrisville Middle school is taking a field trip to the symphony. All 282 people will ride the subway to the theater. Each subway has 8 subway cars. If an equal number of people ride in each subway car, how many people will ride in each?
a) 34 people in each of 6 subway cars; 36 people in each of 2 subway cars. The remainder should be left as a whole number.
b) 35 people n each of 6 subway cars; 32 people in each of 2 subway cars. Leave the remainder as a whole number.
c) 35 people n each of 6 subway cars; 36 people in each of 2 subway cars. Leave the remainder as a whole number.
d) 25 people in each of 2 subway cars. Leave the remainder as a whole number.

Mrs. Smith had 435 cookies to share with 25 students (do not include Mrs. Smith). How many cookies will each student get?
a) 17 1/5 cookies for each student. Need to convert to fraction to share evenly.
b) 16 2/5 cookies for each student. Need to convert to a fraction to share evenly.
c) 16 1/5 cookies for each student. Need to convert to a fraction to share evenly.
d) 17 2/5 cookies for each student. Need to convert fraction to share evenly.

Mrs. Smith's class has 24 students. The tickets for her class cost $162. How much did each student's ticket cost? (Teachers get free tickets)
a) $6.75 Change remainder into a decimal, because it is talking about money.
b) $5.75 Change remainder into a decimal, because it is talking about money.
c) $6 1/2. Change remainder into a fraction, because it is talking about money.
d) 5 1/2. Change remainder into a fraction, because it is talking about money.

Divide 342 by 25
a) 13 r 7
b) 14 r 7
c) 12 r 6
d) 11 r 7

289 divided 24
a) 12 r 2
b) 12 r 1
c) 12 r 3
d) 11 r 4

496 divided by 15
a) 33 r 1
b) 35 r 2
c) 38 r 1
d) 29 r 3

a) xxx
b) xxx
c) xxx
d) xxx

a) xxxx

a) xx

a) xx
d) xx

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