Grade 6: Fini Les Conflits! (SET 2) Question Preview (ID: 51556)

Conflict Resolution Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Attendons notre tour!
a) Let's take turns!
b) Let's leave it to chance!
c) Let's consult someone!
d) Let's keep our distance!

a) Let's laugh!
b) Let's share!
c) Let's keep our distance!
d) Let's take a break!

un conflit
a) a counsellor
b) hard to please
c) a conflict
d) mean

énervé / énervée
a) generous
b) angry
c) rude
d) nervous

heureux / heureuse
a) helpful
b) happy
c) sad
d) aggressive

fâché / fâchée
a) frustrated
b) nervous
c) angry
d) impatient

frustré / frustrée
a) sad
b) angry
c) rude
d) frustrated

a) sad
b) frustrated
c) angry
d) happy

Consultons quelqu'un!
a) Let's share!
b) Let's laugh!
c) Let's consult someone!
d) Let's leave it to chance!

Faisons une pause!
a) Let's share!
b) Let's take a break!
c) Let's laugh!
d) Let's keep our distance!

a) Let's compromise!
b) Let's take turns!
c) Let's share!
d) Let's laugh!

Prenons nos distances!
a) Let's keep our distance!
b) Let's share!
c) Let's laugh!
d) Let's take turns!

Trouvons une compromis!
a) Let's leave it to chance!
b) Let's take turns!
c) Let's take a break!
d) Let's compromise!

Choisissons au hasard!
a) Let's compromise!
b) Let's leave it to chance!
c) Let's take a break!
d) Let's consult someone!

un conseiller / une conseillère
a) a conflict
b) helpful
c) a counsellor
d) nice

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