Microbes And Disease Question Preview (ID: 51537)

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Influenza is caused by a
a) bacterium
b) Fungus
c) Parasite
d) Virus

What is an epidemic?
a) A disease that is spread by mosquitoes
b) A disease that affects many people in an area
c) a disease that spreads throughout the world
d) A disease that is spread by coughing or sneezing

A vaccine is made from
a) Proteins produced by the body's immune system
b) A weakened or dead form of a pathogen
c) Body cells that are immune to a disease
d) An antibiotic used to treat an infectious disease

A mosquito that transmits malaria from one person to another is
a) A bacterium
b) A parasite
c) An infection
d) A vector

An event in which a disease spreads to many regions of the world is called?
a) An epidemic
b) An outbreak
c) A pandemic
d) A pathogen

Which of the following are likely to be either spherical, rod-shaped or spiral-shaped?
a) Bacteria
b) Viruses
c) Parasites
d) Animal cells

Which of the following reproduces by injecting genetic material into a host cell?
a) Parasite
b) Virus
c) Bacterium
d) Fungus

Which of these diseases can be treated with antibiotics?
a) Lyme Disease
b) The common cold
c) Influenza

Which type of pathogen causes athletes foot?
a) Bactieria
b) Parasite
c) Fungus
d) Virus

Which of the following is a vector involved in the spread of Lyme disease?
a) Water containing bacteria
b) Virus particles in the air
c) A tick carrying bacteria
d) An object handled by a person with Lyme disease

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