World War 1 Question Preview (ID: 51518)

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When Germany increased the size of their navy, what did that encourage Great Britain to do?
a) Great Britain joined the alliance
b) France quit the war
c) Russia joined the war
d) The war ended

What is Armistice Day?
a) The day Germany signed an agreement
b) It is trading agreement
c) To begin a new war
d) To occupy new lands

Which of the following military technologies were developed during World war I?
a) Napalm
b) Gas mask
c) Ironclad ship
d) Tanks

What did Russia do in 1892 as a response to Germany forming the Triple Alliance?
a) Formed an alliance with France
b) Quite the war
c) Faught Germany
d) Invent Tanks

What were the three new weapons of World War 1?
a) Dish washer
b) Airplanes, tanks, submarines
c) Television
d) Guns and Rifles

Why did Russia withdraw from the war?
a) Did not continue
b) Shortage of weapons
c) Conflict with France
d) Due to civil war issues at home

which countries formed the triple alliance?
a) Germany, Austria-hungray, italy
b) Germany, Egypt
c) Germany, Britain, Italy
d) Russia, France

World War I is also known as...
a) The War of Verdun
b) The war
c) The Joffre's war
d) The War to End all Wars

Which country made the first declaration of war?
a) Serbia
b) Austria-Hungary
c) Italy
d) Germany

people were proud of their countries and prepared to fight to defend them.this is called:
a) nationilism
b) Terrorism
c) Imperialism
d) Democracy

Who assasinated franz ferdinand?
a) Gavrlio Princip
b) Ferrnando
c) Vasco Da Gama
d) Taison

When did World War 1 begin?
a) 1918
b) winter 1922
c) Summer of 1914
d) 1945

What were the main reasons for the first world war?
a) Murder of German President in Berlin
b) Murder of Austria's heir in Sarajevo
c) Territorial rivalry
d) The revolution of Russia with Lenin

What was the world’s deadliest global pandemics?
a) Influnza virus
b) COVID 19
c) Spanish Flu
d) Star war

When was the Armistice between Germany and France signed?
a) 28 June 1918
b) 11 November 1918
c) 11 November 1919
d) 28 June 1919

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