Unit 3 Assessment Government Question Preview (ID: 51511)

2nd Grade Social Studies Government. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Differences among people or groups of people is called ?
a) citizens
b) diversity
c) government
d) patriotism

Which is an example of a community service provided by a local government?
a) cleaning up your bedroom
b) shoveling the snow on your driveway
c) cutting the grass in your yard
d) garbage pickup at your curb

The leader of a local community is the _____________________.
a) government
b) mayor
c) council
d) president

Which is an example of a civic responsibility?
a) making sure you never litter
b) listening to your parents
c) doing your homework
d) watching less television

Any member of a community is called _____________________.
a) a citizen
b) the government
c) the mayor
d) a friend

The words we say as a promise to love, honor, and respect our country is called _________________________________________.
a) America the Beautiful
b) Star Spangled Banner
c) The Pledge of Allegiance
d) None of the Above

The __________________________ is the group of people who make up the laws in a community.
a) citizens
b) safety patrol
c) police
d) council

The important ideas that people believe in are called _____________________.
a) values
b) rules
c) ideas
d) beliefs

The ____________________________________ is when people work together to make things better for everyone.
a) holiday season
b) bad attitude
c) common good
d) state government

The ____________________________ is the branch of government that explains laws and decides the punishment for breaking laws.
a) 3 branches of government
b) court
c) council
d) mayor

Your ______________________________ are the things any person is allowed to have or do.
a) laws and rules
b) government responsibilities
c) civic responsibilities
d) individual rights

What are the two types of responsibilities?
a) chores and homework
b) home and school
c) laws and rules
d) civic and personal

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