Unit 8: Earth's Energy Resources Question Preview (ID: 51507)

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Earth's Energy Resources. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are the advantages of using resources such as geothermal energy, solar energy, and wind energy?
a) They can generate power by burning wastes. They increase the amount of greenhouse gases.
b) They increase the amount of greenhouse gases.
c) They produce large amounts of energy from burning fuels.
d) They come from energy sources that never run out.

Which energy source does NOT require burning in order to get energy from them?
a) Petrolem
b) Natural Gas
c) Propane
d) Hydrothermal

Which energy type can create noise pollution
a) Solar Energy
b) Geothermal Energy
c) Propane
d) Wind Energy

Which type of energy is only made in America?
a) Propane
b) natural gas
c) petroleum
d) Solar

Which energy type would not be useful in the desert?
a) Solar Energy
b) Petroleum (oil)
c) Natural Gas
d) Hydropower

Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
a) Petroleum
b) Solar
c) natural gas
d) coal

What type of energy source takes uranium atoms and splits them to release the enrgy?
a) Natural Gas
b) Biomass
c) Hydropower
d) Nuclear

What type of energy is formed form the remains of prehistoric plants and animals?
a) Geothermal
b) Fossil Fuels (petroleum)
c) Solar
d) Nuclear

Which resource would be considered renewable?
a) Hydropower
b) Coal
c) petroleum
d) natural gas

Which type of energy only works in areas where there is geological activity near the surface?
a) Solar Energy
b) Hydrothermal Energy
c) Geothermal Energy
d) Wind Energy

Which type of energy is cheap and easy to use?
a) Biomass
b) Nuclear
c) Coal
d) Geothermal

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