Grade 7: Les Bons Et Les Méchants (SET 2) Question Preview (ID: 51496)

Microbe Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) to help
b) to appreciate
c) to decrease
d) to protect

a) to protect
b) to digest
c) to produce
d) to catch

un prix
a) a garbage can
b) intestines
c) a prize
d) a (computer) screen

a) absolutely
b) only
c) little by little
d) old

petit à petit
a) to be part of
b) pollution
c) little by little
d) a fair

la nourriture
a) a project
b) a quality
c) an infection
d) food

un microbe
a) a microbe, a germ
b) an infection
c) food poisoning
d) an enzyme

un médicament
a) bad, mean
b) an infection
c) medicine
d) a meal

a) good
b) a microbe
c) bad, mean
d) a friend

la levure
a) garbage
b) yeast
c) garbage can
d) a cold

l'intoxication alimentaire
a) food
b) yeast
c) pollution
d) food poisoning

a) to nibble
b) to help
c) to produce
d) to protect

un repas
a) a project
b) medicine
c) a meal
d) a cold

un rhume
a) a cold
b) an infection
c) a bacteria
d) an enemy

vieux / vieille
a) good
b) bad, mean
c) old
d) only

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