Grade 8 English Exploring New Horizons Arts Question Preview (ID: 51465)

This Game/quiz Aims To Review The Target Theme And Specific Information In The Lessons In Week-10 Self-Study Plan Including Making Some Practices On Singular And Plural, Analyzing A Poem, And Techniques Of Writing A Literary Critique. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

It is better for a literary critique to contain
a) the positive and negative points in a work of art.
b) scientific facts.
c) only two paragraphs.
d) none of the choices.

The elements of a literary critique are:
a) • Sender’s Information – Date - Destination name and address – Salutation - Body - • Ending
b) Summary – Introduction – Discussion – Conclusion - Recommendations .
c) Introduction with Thesis Statement – Body - Conclusion
d) Topic Sentence – Supporting Sentences – Concluding Sentence

The statement: “The Great Gatsby is an enormous achievement in Fitzgerald’s career.” is a part of a literary critique’s you
a) summary
b) negative evaluation.
c) reasons for selecting the literary work.
d) positive evaluation.

These lines “The sun was shining on the sea,/ …And this was odd, because it was/ The middle of the night” mean having
a) the sun and moon at the same time.
b) the sun of midnight in the Arctic Pole.
c) the movement of Earth causing day and night.
d) all the choices

The statement’s “He bought a new ………………. .” is correctly completed with:
a) pair of shoes
b) pairs of shoes
c) shoe
d) shoes

The statement: “Physics are my favorite subject.” In incorrect because
a) Physics cannot be someone’s favorite subject!
b) ‘is’ is replaced with ‘are’.
c) Physics is more than one subject.
d) ‘Physic’ is replaced with ‘Physics’.

In the poem “The Walrus and the Carpenter” it is nonsensical for the
a) Carpenter to talk.
b) sand to be on the beach.
c) sea to be wet.
d) Walrus to talk.

You predict that the Walrus invites the Oysters to him and the Carpenter in order to
a) walk with them.
b) look at them.
c) eat them.
d) None of the choices

You expect one of the themes of the poem “The Warlus and the Carpenter” to be
a) enjoying life.
b) inexperience in life.
c) deception
d) none of the choices

The statement: “Flowers are a great way to send congratulation.” is not correct because
a) ‘Flowers’ should be replaced with ‘Roses’.
b) ‘congratulation’ should be replaced with ‘congratulations’.
c) there should be no ‘a’ in the statement.
d) All the choices

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