Week 2 Review Question Preview (ID: 51440)

Todays Questions Come Form Week 2 Of Distance Learning Bible Stories. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What shape is heaven?
a) Square Cube
b) Circle
c) Diamond
d) Flat

Is there Church in heaven?
a) Yes
b) No
c) .
d) .

Can we sin in heaven?
a) Yes
b) No
c) .
d) .

What will the streets in heaven be made out of?
a) Pearls
b) Silver
c) Rocks
d) Gold

When Satan was an angel in Heaven, what was his name?
a) Liam
b) Leonardo
c) Lucifer
d) Lincoln

What animal did Satan use to trick Eve into eating the forbidden fruit?
a) Grass Hopper
b) Frog
c) Bird
d) Snake

What happened because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit?
a) God had to kick them out of the Garden of Eden
b) They got to stay in the garden
c) They didn't get into trouble
d) God didn't find out.

After Jesus died on the cross, how many days past before he raided back to life?
a) 1 day
b) 2 days
c) 3 days
d) 4 days

How many days was Jesus on earth after he raided back to life?
a) 20 days
b) 40 days
c) 10 days
d) 50 days

What is something we can do every day to grow closer to God?
a) Read our Bible
b) Play with our friends
c) Play with our brothers or sisters
d) Sleep all day

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