Deciphering Notes Challenge Question Preview (ID: 51400)

Decipher The Abbreviations And Symbols. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

3 poss. sol. to current econ. prob.
a) The three economic problems currently have a possible solution.
b) There are three possible economic problems.
c) There are three possible solutions to the current economic problem.
d) Currently, there are three possible solutions to stop this bad economy.

Delivery-based retail co. (e.g. Amazon) ≈ del.-based food co.
a) Amazon is an example of a delivery-based food company.
b) Amazon is starting to deliver delicious food.
c) Delivery-based retail companies, such as Amazon, are similar to delivery-based food companies.
d) Amazon is retail company that delivers food.

Better cybersec. = more dig. sales than f2f sales
a) Better cyber-security has led to a higher number of digital sales than face-to-face sales.
b) Face-to-face sales outnumber digital sales because of cyber-security problems.
c) Digital sales in cyber-security are better face-to-face now than before.
d) Face-to-face sales are better than digital sales.

most soc. still trad.: i.e. f. sal. ($) than m.
a) Most traditional societies pay women more than men.
b) Women should make the same salary as men in traditional societies.
c) Women in most traditional societies have less money than men.
d) Most societies are still traditional, in that women get a lower salary than men.

lim. phone sales = lower poll. but sig. econ. prob.
a) Limited phone sales leads to more pollution and economic problems.
b) Limited phone sales means a decrease in pollution but also significant economic problems.
c) People shouldn't buy phones because they cause pollution.
d) Phone sales lead to significant economic problems.

Acct. class time Δ next wk. b/c impt. bldg. repairs
a) The Accounting class will do building repairs next week.
b) It's important to go to Accounting class next week.
c) The Accounting building will be changed.
d) The Accounting class time will be changed next week because of building repairs.

US govt. said retail sales = up b/c more ppl. working
a) The United States said that more people are now working in retail sales.
b) The United States government want more people to start working.
c) The United States government said that retail sales have gone up because more people are working.
d) There are more people working in the United States government.

Diag. B illus. diff. b/t m. and f. smartphone use
a) Diagram B illustrates the difference between male and female smartphone use.
b) Diagram B shows smartphone illustrations.
c) Men and women are different in how they use their smartphones.
d) Smartphones can illustrate diagrams for men and women.

Para. 5 = cf. of trad. Jpn. co. vs. modern
a) Paragraph 5 discusses traditional Japanese companies.
b) Paragraph 5 gives a definition of traditional companies in Japan.
c) Paragraph 5 is a comparison of traditional Japanese companies versus modern ones.
d) Paragraph 5 explains how modern Japanese companies are taking over the culture.

Sig # ppl. @ CNA-Q = club mem.
a) Some people at CNA-Q want to increase the number of clubs.
b) A significant number of people at CNA-Q are club members.
c) Club membership at CNA-Q has increased significantly.
d) People can join a club at CNA-Q.

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