Unit 5 Week 2 Vocabulary Practice Question Preview (ID: 51384)

Answer The Questions To Practice Your Vocabulary Words And Their Definitions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which word means: Listening to someone's conversations without them knowing.
a) rigors
b) undaunted
c) eavesdropping
d) disposed

What is the definition of the word retaliation?
a) cope with extreme conditions
b) strike back to get even
c) inclined to do something
d) unafraid

What is the definition of the word fortitude?
a) listening to someone's conversations without them knowing.
b) platform with steps at a building's door.
c) inclined to do something
d) mental strength

Which word means: to cope with extreme conditions?
a) rigors
b) stoop
c) undaunted
d) disposed

What is the definition of the word disposed?
a) strike back to get even
b) inclined to do something
c) endless or without limits
d) unafraid

What is the definition of the word infinite?
a) listening to someone's conversation without them knowing
b) a platform with steps at a building's door
c) mental strength
d) endless or without limits

Which word means a platform with steps at a building's door?
a) stoop
b) rigors
c) infinite
d) eavesdropping

What is the meaning of the word undaunted?
a) mental strength
b) strike back to get even
c) unafraid
d) inclined to do something

What is the opposite of the word undaunted?
a) happy
b) afraid
c) cold
d) tired

Which of these words has the most negative connotation?
a) fortitude
b) eavesdropping
c) disposed
d) undaunted

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