Chapters 11-15 Special Education Question Preview (ID: 51297)

This Test Will Ask Questions On Speech Impairments, Hearing Impairments, Visual Impairments, Low Incident Impairments, And Gifted Students. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Speech impairments cause?
a) stuttering
b) low vision
c) special talents
d) deafness

How many decibels does Hearing impairments become classified?
a) 90 above
b) 40
c) 90 below
d) 20

Which health condition is classified under vision impairments?
a) Amnesia
b) Giloblastoma
c) Autism
d) Deafness

How many categories are under low incidence disabilities?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 1
d) 9

The gifted education program is called?
a) TAG
c) HU

How many people are diagnosed with hearing impairments every year?
a) 10,000
b) 100,000
c) 200,000
d) 50,000

Name one basic type of speech impairment?
a) Dementia
b) Bipolar disorder
c) Anxiety disorder
d) fluency disorder

Low incidence disabilities usally incorporate____________
a) Autism
b) Endocrine disorders
c) Schizophrenia
d) HIV

Legally blind is diagnosed at?
a) 20/200 or above
b) 20/200 or less
c) 20/20
d) 20/40

Gifted students in schools require special needs like__________
a) Isolation
b) Intrapersonal Relationships
c) doctor prescribed drugs
d) Interpersonal Relationships

The term phonological disorder highlights that speech sound disturbance is from?
a) motor muscle process delay
b) Impaired phonological system
c) delay in syntax
d) slow articulation

Which chapter term matched the definition: It is caused by congenital defect, injury, disease, certain medications or loud noises.
a) Hearing impairments
b) visual impairment
c) speech and language impairment
d) low incidence disabilities

Which chapter term matches the definition: A decreased ability to see that is not usually fixed by glasses.
a) hearing impairment
b) speech or language impairment
c) visual impairment
d) Gifted Students

What is the percentage of people contracted low incidence disabilities?
a) 50%
b) 30%
c) 10%
d) 1%

Are Gifted Students more likely to suffer from depression than typical?
a) False
b) True
c) None of the above
d) True, however it depends on the environment

Name another of the three basic types of speech impairments
a) Articulation disorder
b) Autism
c) Parkinson's disease
d) Hearing Impairments

Can hearing impairments last for a life time?
a) True
b) False

What is one common type of visual impairment?
a) Clear vision
b) Vertigo
c) Loss of Central Vision
d) Day Blindness

Is mental Retardation under the category of low incidence disabilities?
a) False
b) True

Which state has the most test given for gifted students?
a) Florida
b) Michigan
c) Ohio
d) New York

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