Digestive System Structures Question Preview (ID: 51147)

Structures Of The Digestive System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The __________ is a small muscular sac that secretes bile and is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal area.
a) Jejunum
b) Pancreas
c) Gallbladder
d) appendix

The __________ is the middle section of the small intestines
a) Duodenum
b) Jejunum
c) Ileum
d) Cecum

The ______________ is the feather shaped organ that secretes enzymes to digest food.
a) Pancreas
b) Gallbladder
c) Small intestines
d) Stomach

The __________ ______________ is an organ that is divided into 3 sections and is approximately 20 feet long.
a) Stomach
b) Large intestines
c) Esophagus
d) Small intestines

The _____________ is the tube that goes from the pharynx to the stomach.
a) Mouth
b) Esophagus
c) Caries
d) Salivary glands

The anus is the external opening of the _____________ intestines
a) Large
b) Small
c) Middle
d) Cecum

The ___________ ____________ are located in the mouth and secrete a watery fluid
a) Right quadrant
b) Small intestines
c) Salivary gland
d) Mouth

The _____________ detoxifies alcohol.
a) Gallbladder
b) Stomach
c) Large intestines
d) Liver

___________ is the semisolid mixture of food and gastric juice in the stomach.
a) Ptyalin
b) Chyme
c) Bile
d) Peristalsis

The digestive system is also known as the ____________ canal.
a) Alimentary
b) Food
c) Digestive
d) Chyme

The _____________ is a muscular organ that aids in chewing and swallowing of food.
a) Mouth
b) Glands
c) Esophagus
d) Tongue

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