Selective Breeding Question Preview (ID: 51138)

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Which of these is the first step in selective breeding flowers.
a) chose which trait is desirable
b) Repeat the process only with the offspring with the desired traits
c) watch the seeds grow
d) Choose plants that have the desired

One problem with selective breeding is
a) creating a new species
b) gene variety is lost
c) extinction of a species
d) creating new organisms

Increasing helpful traits to an organism is one way a breeder may use selective breeding.
a) True
b) False
c) non of the above
d) not sure

Selective breeding is...
a) creating a new species
b) a process to create an organism with desired traits from parents with those desired traits
c) making organisms reproduce during times of stress
d) natural method of producing offspring with desired traits

Problems with animals that are selectively bred include:
a) Being more disease resistant
b) Producing more meat
c) Being more likely to suffer from genetic disease
d) Being more genetically diverse

Problems with selective breeding include
a) Better animals
b) More Meat
c) Animals can have bad health problems
d) more diversity

What is Inbreeding
a) When two closely related animals are bred together
b) When animals are allowed to chose their own mates
c) When two none related animals are bred together
d) When humans choose which animals will mate together

A farmer has bred his pineapple plants from the sweetest pineapples from his last harvest to get even sweeter pineapple plants. What is this an example of?
a) Selective breeding
b) Natural selection
c) Extinction
d) Mutagenesis

The overall function of selective breeding is
a) Create organisms with desirable traits
b) Create bigger organisms
c) to Create smaller organisms
d) Create animals with more genetic mutations

Which is another term for selective breeding?
a) Artificial selection
b) Natural Selection
c) Intelligent selection
d) Cross selection

The evolution of dogs from wolves is due to:
a) Natural Selection
b) Sexual Selection
c) Artificial Selection
d) Vestigial Structures

Where humans have bred organisms together based on traits we like.
a) Evolution
b) Natural Selection
c) Extinction
d) Artificial Selection

All of the following statements are reasons for selective breeding except:
a) To improve the quality of food products
b) Farmers increase their profit by improving crops
c) To produce offspring with desirable characteristics
d) To increase migration patterns

The purpose of selective breeding is to
a) Get bigger animals
b) get smaller animals
c) create animals with desirable traits
d) create animals with bad traits

A mutation
a) is always bad for an organism
b) never changes an organism
c) is always good for an organism
d) is a change in an organism's DNA

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