History Test Review Question Preview (ID: 51134)

U.S. History Following The War For Independence. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

On what day does the new U.S. President take the oath of office?
a) President's Day
b) Flag Day
c) Independence Day
d) Inauguration Day

What is the highest court in the land?
a) Congressional Court
b) Supreme Court
c) Federal Court
d) Court of Appeals

In which part of Congress does every state, no matter what size, have equal power?
a) Senate
b) Supreme Court
c) House of Representatives
d) Fundamental Order

In which part of Congress do the larger states have more power?
a) Senate
b) Supreme Court
c) House of Representatives
d) Fundamental Order

What are the two groups of Congress called?
a) houses
b) conventions
c) senates
d) courts

Whose job is it to judge whether or not the Constitution has been obeyed?
a) the Supreme Court
b) the President
c) Congress
d) the Constitutional Convention

Who has the power to make our country's most important laws?
a) the Supreme Court
b) the President
c) Congress
d) the Constitutional Convention

Who is the head of our government and sees to it that the laws are obeyed?
a) the President
b) the Vice President
c) the Chief Justice
d) the Secretary of State

What important power was withheld from the government under the Articles of Confederation?
a) the power to raise an army
b) the power to elect a President
c) the power to tax
d) the power to build roads

What is the name of a man who helped plan the city of Washington, D.C.?
a) Crispus Attucks
b) Benjamin Banneker
c) John Adams
d) Benjamin Franklin

Who was the second president of the U.S.?
a) George Washington
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) John Adams
d) Patrick Henry

Who was the first President of the U.S.?
a) George Washington
b) James Madison
c) John Adams
d) Benjamin Franklin

Who is known as the most important worker at the Constitutional Convention?
a) John Adams
b) Benjamin Banneker
c) James Madison
d) Crispus Attucks

This man said, A republic if you can keep it!
a) James Madison
b) George Washington
c) Patrick Henry
d) Benjamin Franklin

What document made our country too weak?
a) the Constitution
b) the Articles of Confederation
c) the Preamble
d) the Mayflower Compact

What was the first capital city of the U.S.?
a) Philadelphia
b) Washington
c) Boston
d) New York

This document is the one our country still follows today.
a) the Articles of Confederation
b) the Constitution
c) the Mayflower Compact
d) Gettysburg Address

This document lists freedoms and rights that cannot be taken from the American people.
a) the Bill of Rights
b) the Preamble
c) the Mayflower Compact
d) the Articles of Confederation

What city was the Constitutional Convention held in?
a) Boston
b) New York
c) Philadelphia
d) Washington, D.C.

The current capital city of the U.S. is...
a) Philadelphia
b) Boston
c) Washington, D.C.
d) New York

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