Mechanical Waves: Application 9 Question Preview (ID: 51112)

Review Physics Game For Grade 9/ Mechanical Waves: Application Propagation Of Light. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Laser light consists of one color , then laser light is :
a) monochromatic light
b) dichromatic light
c) polychromatic light
d) black light

What type of waves is used to transmit cellular telephone messages?
a) Gamma rays
b) Radio waves
c) Microwaves
d) Visible light

Which electromagnetic waves have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies?
a) Gamma rays
b) Radio waves
c) X-rays
d) Ultraviolet rays

Electromagnetic waves that you can see are called:
a) Infrared rays
b) Microwaves
c) X-rays
d) Visible light

Electromagnetic waves that you can see are called:
a) Infrared rays
b) Microwaves
c) X-rays
d) Visible light

How much of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible?
a) All of it
b) None of it
c) Most of it
d) Only a small part

What is visible light composed of?
a) Gamma rays
b) Radio waves
c) Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet
d) Light Radar

Sun light :
a) monochromatic light
b) polychromatic light
c) all the choices
d) none of the choices

Wood doesn’t allow light to pass through it, then wood is :
a) opaque body
b) transparent body
c) translucent body
d) black body

The speed of light in water is :
a) greater than its speed in air
b) less than its speed in air
c) equal to its speed in air
d) zero compared to the speed of air

Electromagnetic wave propagates in :
a) transparent medium only
b) in vacuum and transparent medium
c) vacuum only
d) water only

Electromagnetic spectrum consists of :
a) visible waves
b) invisible waves
c) visible and invisible waves
d) none

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