India Question Preview (ID: 51101)

India History And Geography. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

T or F The people of India were treated very well when they were controlled by Great Britain.
a) True
b) False

The Indian National Congress was created to accomplish the goals of ___.
a) gaining more rights, opportunities, and independence
b) voting and the right to drive automobiles
c) owning land and gaining the right to get an education
d) having foreign countries own businesses in India

A territory that belongs to a different country or foreign land.
a) colony
b) district
c) common wealth
d) imprisoned land

What European country had control of India for 190 years.
a) Spain
b) France
c) Germany
d) Great Britain

True or False Gandhi used military force and torture as a way to gain independence for the people of India.
a) True
b) False

What great civil rights leader of India was named the Great Soul?
a) Mohandas Gandhi
b) Martin Luther King
c) Salman Khan
d) Mother Theresa

The Aryans created a language that influenced other languages in South Asia.
a) Mandarin
b) Spanish
c) Italian
d) Sanskrit

True or False India is the largest country in both size and population.
a) True
b) False

T or F India is the largest country on the Indian Subcontinent.
a) True
b) False

A group of powerful warriors that conquered and settled the fertile plains along the Indus and Ganges Rivers.
a) Muslims
b) HIndu
c) Aryans
d) Gupta

After Independence from Great Britain there was fear of a ___________
a) of starvation and disease due to not having economic support of Great Britain
b) civil war between Muslims and Hindus
c) attack from China
d) people leaving India for better jobs in Africa.

India divided into how many countries?
a) one- India
b) three- India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
c) two- Pakistan and Nepal
d) four- South Africa, India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.

The two main religions that were created in India are ___.
a) Judaism and Hinduism
b) Christianity and Buddhism
c) Buddhism and Hinduism
d) Islam and Buddhism

How did Mohandas Gandhi die?
a) old age
b) cancer
c) hit by a train
d) assassinated

Indian society was divided into groups based on a person's birth or occupation.
a) social classes
b) shudrah
c) nirvana
d) caste system

What mountain range separates China from Nepal and India
a) Himalaya Mountains
b) Alps
c) Andes Mountains
d) Rocky Mountains

What island nation is southeast of India?
a) Cuba
b) Sri Lanka
c) Canary Islands
d) Philippines

What body of water touches India's eastern border?
a) Caribbean Sea
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Indian Ocean/ Bay of Bengal

What country borders India to the northwest?
a) Afghanistan
b) Russia
c) Pakistan
d) Myanmar

T or F Bhutan and Nepal order China and India.
a) True
b) Fasle

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