Mexico Physical Geography, Climate, And Natural Resources Question Preview (ID: 51097)
Answer The Following Questions About Mexico's Physical Geography, Climate, And Natural Resources.
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What river forms much of the U.S./Mexico border?
a) Rio Grande
b) Ciudad Juarez
c) Colorado
d) Tijuana
What is the name of the peninsula in northwest Mexico that extends south along the Pacific coast?
a) Yucatan Peninsula
b) Casa Peninsula
c) El Gato Peninsula
d) Baja California
What is the name of the peninsula in southern Mexico that separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea?
a) Ciudad Juarez
b) Casa Peninsula
c) Yucatan Peninsula
d) Baja California
Much of the interior landscape of Mexico consists of a high, mostly rugged region called the _____________.
a) Sonora Desert
b) Mexican Plateau
c) Yucatan Peninsula
d) Rio Grande
This mountain range runs along Mexico's eastern coast?
a) Sierra Madre Occidental
b) Appalachian Mountains
c) Padre Simpatico Verde Mountains
d) Sierra Madre Oriental
This mountain range runs along Mexico's western coast?
a) Sierra Madre Oriental
b) Padre Simpatico Verde Mountains
c) Sierra Madre Occidental
d) Appalachian Mountains
Between the mountain ranges that are on the eastern and western sides of Mexico, lies this physical feature in southern Mexico?
a) Sonoran Desert
b) Baja California
c) Valley of Mexico
d) Rio Grande
What is the name of the volcano near Mexico City that has been erupting periodically since 1994?
a) Floral
b) Popocatepetl
c) Niner Tarde
d) Vesuvius
The warm and wet climate in parts of southern Mexico supports these types of forests, which are home to jaguars, monkeys, anteaters, and many other animals
a) Coniferous Forests
b) Deciduous Forests
c) Tropical Rainforests
d) Taiga
The climate of northern Mexico is hot and dry and is home to a few deserts. A desert is an area that receives very little of what?
a) Indirect rays from the sun
b) Temperatures
c) Direct rays from the sun
d) Precipitation
Mexico is the world's leading producer of what mineral?
a) Silver
b) Coal
c) Lead
d) Copper
What fuel based natural resource is important to Mexico, and is also exported to the United States?
a) Coal
b) Petroleum
c) Lead
d) Copper
Mexico's tropical climate brings a lot of visitors to its country each year. What is the name of the service based industry that is important to Mexico's economy?
a) Industrial Expansionism
b) Mining
c) Tourism
d) Geocaching
Mexico is mostly surrounded by water. What body of water borders Mexico to the west?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Gulf of Mexico
d) Caribbean Sea
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