Social Media And Internet Safety Quiz Question Preview (ID: 51090)

Social Media And Internet. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is ok to share on the internet?
a) Where I Go To School
b) My Last Name
c) My Favorite Joke
d) My Address

A person with a username FlyGuy12 just contacted you and told you that they think you are cool. They say that they are 12. How old are they?
a) 12 years old
b) There is no way to tell
c) 15 years old
d) 45 years old

Someone online keeps sending you mean messages. What should you do?
a) Insult Them Back
b) Delete the Message
c) Tell An Adult
d) #1 and #3

You have built up a huge following on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. You have over 1500 people following you on each account. How could this put you in danger?
a) You do not know most of the people following you- it puts you at risk if you post personal information
b) It doesn't- being popular online is great!
c) Its dangerous to have too many friends
d) Its danergous to share anything online.

You have been talking to an online friend for a long time and decided that you should finally meet. What should you do?
a) Ask a parent if you can meet them and have a parent there when you do.
b) Invite them over to your house
c) Stop talking to them immediately
d) Meet them in a public place

You just got an email that you won a new computer and all you have to do is fill out the information card and they will send it to you! What should you do?
a) Fill out the card and send it in
b) Forward the email to your friends, so they get a computer too!
c) Check to make sure you want that computer
d) Delete the email

Should you post your phone number and address on Facebook?
a) Yes- Facebook is very safe.
b) No- You might be friends with strangers
c) Only share with people you know in real life
d) No- post on it on instagram and snapchat

Which of the following is the best password?
a) password1234
b) myname1234
c) Eva7mode!
d) (your phone number)

You are talking in a chatroom with several friends from school. This is the same group that is also on your soccer team and you are planning to meet up and play soccer after school to prepare for the big game. Is it okay to meet up with your friends
a) Yes, but let your parents know where you will be.
b) No, its danergous meeting people you talk to online
c) Yes, go without telling anyone
d) Say yes, but do not show up

You have been talking to CutiePie12 for a long time online and she wants to meet you at the movies. Her online picture and profile look great and she says that she goes to one of the schools nearby. How do you know this is a real account?
a) You have talked to her for a long time.
b) She is pretty and would not lie to you.
c) There is no way to tell if it is a real account since you have not met face to face.
d) If you talk on the phone, you will know she is real.

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