Grade 8: Choix Multiples (SET 2) Question Preview (ID: 51084)
Career Vocabulary.
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a) computer science
b) the information
c) an announcer
d) a flight attendant
a) to be interesting
b) to take a course
c) to be interested in
d) to shoot a commercial
une langue
a) blood
b) a truffle
c) a contest
d) a language
un(e) mécanicien(ne)
a) a financial analyst
b) a mechanic
c) a field
d) a laboratory
a) creative
b) truly
c) busy
d) imaginative
un(e) pigiste
a) a profession
b) a job
c) a freelancer
d) a camera operator
prendre (un cours)
a) to take (a vacation)
b) to take (medication)
c) to take (a break)
d) to take (a course)
la recherche
a) research
b) a career
c) a red pepper
d) Spanish
suivre (un cours)
a) to be interested in (a course)
b) to film/to shoot (a commercial)
c) to become (a chocolate maker)
d) to take (a course)
un travail
a) a job
b) work
c) a profession
d) a career
un truffe
a) a red pepper
b) a chocolate maker
c) a truffle
d) tourism
a) to travel
b) to become
c) to take
d) to babysit
le sang
a) blood
b) science
c) physics
d) biology
a) geography
b) a candy store
c) a freelancer
d) precisely
tourner (une annonce publicitaire)
a) to turn (around)
b) to shoot/to film (a commercial)
c) to take (a course)
d) to become (an annoncer)
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