Grade 4 Science Aqueous And Non-aqueous Solutions. Question Preview (ID: 51081)

To Distinguish Aqueous And Non-aqueous Solutions In Our Life. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Kerosene dissolves oil , the resulting solution is
a) aqueous solution
b) Non aqueous solution ubstance.
c) both
d) Non

A: water table salt, B: water and sand, C: water and oil.
a) All are solutions
c) (B) only the solution
d) Non one is a solution

To separate salt from an aqueous solution formed from water and table salt we use .................. method.
a) filtration
b) Evaporation
c) Filtration and Evaporation
d) none

Non- aqueous solution is a .................. mixture.
a) Homogeneous
b) Heterogeneous
c) both
d) none

To remove paint from the clothes we use:
a) Turpentine is used to remove the paint from the clothes
b) Water is used to remove the paint from the clothes
c) Oil is used to remove the paint from the clothes
d) non

During the evaporation of water, water is transformed into ….
a) Gaseous state
b) Liquid state
c) Solid state
d) None.

Water can’t dissolve the nail polish. then we get
a) Aqueous solution
b) Non- aqueous solution
c) both
d) none

A: water table salt, B: water and sand, C: water and oil.
a) ( A ) IS non- aqueous solution
b) (B) IS an aqueous solution
c) ( A ) IS an aqueous solution
d) None is an aqueous solution

Acetone dissolves the nail polish , the solute is………
a) Acetone
b) water
c) Nail polish
d) oil

In a non-aqueous solution the solvent is ………………..
a) Water
b) Oil
c) Alcohol
d) Any liquid other than water

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