Grade 6 English Understanding Computers Question Preview (ID: 51078)

This Game Aims To Review Students' Ability To Comprehend Different Facts About History Of Computers. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The ___________ keeps the computer cool.
a) monitor
b) keyboard
c) fan
d) speakers

The _____________ is the computer's memory.
a) RAM
b) Ring
c) microchip
d) Rim

In the 1950's the computer were used to ________________ .
a) buy groceries
b) do online shopping
c) download movies
d) calculate large numbers

The microchip is a small piece of __________ .
a) glass
b) metal
c) silicon
d) plastic

Long ago computers were very _____________.
a) big
b) cheap
c) tiny
d) small

William Mogriddge invented the first ___________ computer in 1979.
a) large
b) huge
c) portable
d) Apple

Computers can help us ______________ music.
a) produce
b) download
c) hear
d) study

With computers we can search for _____________ .
a) toys
b) stuff
c) information
d) things

Computers can ____________ information.
a) process
b) predict
c) pick
d) buy

Computers take __________ and give ____________ .
a) input,output
b) output,input
c) import,export
d) export,import

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