Grade 4 English Hunger And Poverty Are You Hungry? Question Preview (ID: 51076)

This Game Aims To Review Students' Understanding To Hunger Issue. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

_________ is the need of food.
a) Poverty
b) Pleasure
c) Hunger
d) Wealth

______________ is the lack of money.
a) Poverty
b) Hunger
c) Wealth
d) Pleasure

There are ______________ categories for hunger in the world.
a) five
b) six
c) seven
d) eight

: __________ and ___________ are countries with high under-nourishment
a) Canada and Australia
b) China and Barazil
c) China and Madagascar
d) Zambia and Ethiopia

Rick's favorite food is _____________________ .
a) soup
b) spaghetti
c) pizza
d) burger

Poor families can get their food from __________________ .
a) food bank
b) blood bank
c) eye bank
d) City Bank

The main cause of hunger is ____________________ .
a) poverty
b) war
c) natural disasters
d) discrimination

We buy fruits and vegetables from _________________ .
a) bakery
b) grocery
c) fishery
d) butchery

We can ¬¬¬______________ our food with poor families.
a) share
b) prepare
c) take
d) sell

A ______________is a place where we can get used items with cheap prices.
a) yard sale
b) food sale
c) dumpster
d) grocery

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