160. The Science Of Addiction Question Preview (ID: 51072)
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To much of a substance and activity producing a good feeling can lead to a/an______
a) Addiction
b) Premonition
c) Ignition
A human’s award pathway comes through our________system
a) Nervous
b) Digestive
c) Circulatory
d) Limbic
_____is a neuro-transmitter that is released when we feel good about an activity
a) Dope
b) Dopamine
c) Cocaine
d) Alcohol
A human body seeks to maintain balance so when a person uses drugs the body adjust to by not making as many neuro receptors available in effect decreasing the high initially felt by the user,
a) True
b) False
The result of the body lessen the neuro receptors is called_________
a) Hating
b) Blocking
c) Stopping
d) Tolerance
Withdrawal from drug use can cause headaches and________
a) Hives
b) Vomiting
c) Rash
Gambling can not be addictive because it is not drug
a) True
b) False
Brains maintaining balance is called_________
a) Heterostasis
b) Homeostasis
Dopamine gets caught between to_______synapsis’ causing the high effect
a) Brain
b) Liver
c) Nerve
d) Tympanum
Brains maintaining balance is called Homeostasis
a) True
b) False
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