Character Traits Question Preview (ID: 51042)

What Is The Correct Character Trait That Would Best Fit This Statement. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Katie’s father competes in weightlifting competitions. The muscles on his arms are so big! I bet he could lift a bus!
a) Mean
b) Determined
c) Malicious
d) Strong

Angel offered to share her only pencil with her neighbor, who forgot his at home. Then at lunch she shared half her sandwich with Bobby who left his sitting on the bus.
a) Rough
b) Bold
c) Generous
d) Impatient

Michael always knows the answer. He enjoys reading and is even good at math. I’m sure his report cards always have straight A’s!
a) Shy
b) Smart
c) Wild
d) Bossy

My sister is going to Costa Rica this summer to go skydiving and surfing. She is never afraid of anything. She even goes zip lining all the time!
a) Adventurous
b) Silly
c) Funny
d) Disloyal

The teacher was giving directions on the assignment we were to complete. Sally kept talking to the people at her table and was very loud when getting up to get materials
a) Kind
b) Greedy
c) Rude
d) Brave

The marker from the whiteboard had disappeared. When the teacher asked where it went, James raised his hand and said that he had accidentally taken it.
a) Persistent
b) Honest
c) Talkative
d) Trusting

Amanda is such a great painter. She can capture the detail of anything she draws. The color she uses are amazing
a) Optimistic
b) Kind
c) Creative
d) Loyal

I stopped and helped my friend pick up all his pencils when he dropped them. I complimented my teacher on her new dress. I sat at lunch with the new kid because she did not know anyone. Everyone needs a friend.
a) Honest
b) Creative
c) Courageous
d) Kindhearted

I am feeling angry because I did not sleep last night. I snap at my classmates when they ask me a question. I haven’t smiled at all today.
a) Silly
b) Grouchy
c) Ambitious
d) Smart

Jacob is always telling jokes! Everyone around him is always in a good mood and laughing. He can find humor in anything!
a) Funny
b) Selfish
c) Fair
d) Sincere

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