Cephalopods Question Preview (ID: 51041)

Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How many arms does an octopus have?
a) 8
b) 10
c) 12
d) 14

What does a squid usually do after it mates or lays eggs?
a) eats
b) plays video games
c) dies
d) catches prey

What is the internal shell of the cuttlefish called?
a) brittle stars
b) plankton
c) bivalve
d) cuttlebone

What kinds of mouths do cephalopods have?
a) beaks
b) lips
c) radula
d) operculum

What do cephalopods usually eat?
a) octopus and squid
b) fish and crabs
c) cuttlefish and nautilus
d) nudibranchs and leeches

How do cephalopods swim?
a) fins
b) radula
c) gas chamber
d) jet propulsion

What are the four different kinds of animals in the cephalopod group?
a) octopus, squid, nautilus, and cuttlefish
b) conch, bivalves, gastropods, and squid
c) dog, cat, bird, and bat
d) pill bug, nudibranch, rotifers, and jellyfish

What does cephalopod mean?
a) stomach foot
b) hand foot mouth
c) head foot
d) hand hand finger thumb

How many arms do squid and cuttlefish have?
a) 0
b) 10
c) 20
d) 30

How many arms does a nautilus have?
a) 38-90
b) 10-20
c) 0-10
d) 18-38

A chiton has....
a) overlapping feet
b) overlapping tongues
c) overlapping plates
d) overlapping gills

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