Contractions Review Question Preview (ID: 51037)

Let's Review What We Know About Contractions And Weirdo Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which one of these contractions is short for will not?
a) wo'nt
b) willn't
c) won't
d) wouldn't

Which one of these contractions does NOT follow the regular rules of contractions
a) I'll
b) he'd
c) I'm
d) She's

Which contraction is the shortened version of let us?
a) let's
b) they're
c) we've
d) lets'

They've is the shortened version of which two words?
a) they have
b) they will
c) they are
d) they had

When contracting a regularly spelled word what spelling rule do you use?
a) Take away the blend
b) Find the vowel in the second word and remove it
c) Take away the vowel in the first word
d) Find the vowel in the second word and remove everything before it

What do we call the mark that is placed in a contraction to show where the vowel was? '
a) An apostrophe
b) An air comma
c) Quotation marks
d) Parenthesis

Which one of these is a WEIRDO word?
a) I'm
b) I'd
c) they've
d) I've

How do you contract the words we will?
a) we'll
b) we're
c) we'd
d) weren't

Did not can be shortened to
a) doesn't
b) don't
c) didn't
d) did't

She's is the shortened version of
a) She is
b) She will
c) She would
d) Should not

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