Naming Skeletal Muscles Question Preview (ID: 51004)
Terminology Used To Name Skeletal Muscles.
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Term that refers to muscle fibers running parallel to the body's axis (vertically)
a) Rectus
b) Oblique
c) Dorsal
d) Temporal
Which of these terms would NOT be used to describe the relative size of a muscle?
a) Brachial
b) Maximus
c) Longus
d) Brevis
Which. term would indicate that a muscle is located in the upper leg?
a) Femoral
b) Temporal
c) Brachial
d) Occipital
Which of these terms indicates that a muscle has a triangular shape?
a) Deltoid
b) Rhomboid
c) Trapezius
d) Oris
Which of these terms DOES NOT indicate an action performed by a muscle?
a) Temporal
b) Flexor
c) Pronator
d) Adductor
Which of these terms would indicate that a muscle is the smallest in the muscle group?
a) Minimus
b) Brevis
c) Maximus
d) Medius
Which of these terms DOES NOT indicate the direction of the muscle fibers?
a) Trapezius
b) Oblique
c) Transversus
d) Rectus
Where would you expect to find an muscle named the Frontalis muscle?
a) Forehead
b) Arm
c) Back
d) Upper Leg
Which of these terms describes a movement that decreases the angle of a joint?
a) Flexion
b) Extension
c) Pronation
d) Supination
Where would you expect to find a muscle known as the Tibialis Anterior?
a) On the front of the shin
b) On the back of the thigh
c) Lateral side of the arm
d) Back of the head
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