5th Grade Adams, Clay, And Jackson Question Preview (ID: 50992)

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Who held the most important position in the House of Representatives?
a) Henry Clay
b) John Q. Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) none of the above

Who was the president who signed a bill that forced the Indians to move west?
a) Henry Clay
b) John Q. Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) none of the above

Who was chosen as president of the United States by the House of Representatives?
a) Henry Clay
b) John Q. Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) none of the above

Who served as a foreign minister, a senator, and a secretary of state?
a) Henry Clay
b) John Q. Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) none of the above

Who was a candidate in the election of 1824 that had come in last in the Electoral College vote?
a) Henry Clay
b) John Q. Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) none of the above

Who won the election of 1828 ?
a) Henry Clay
b) John Q. Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) none of the above

Who gained support for the presidency from the Speaker of the House?
a) Henry Clay
b) John Q. Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) none of the above

Who was popular with the American people, had served in Congress, and had been a hero in the War of 1812?
a) Henry Clay
b) John Q. Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) none of the above

Who was the president who asked the secretary of the treasury to break the law by not putting funds in the national bank ?
a) Henry Clay
b) John Q. Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) none of the above

What word means to make invalid or to refuse to obey?
a) support
b) justify
c) nullify
d) protect

This bill allowed the national government to relocate Indians from the southern part of the United States to west of the Mississippi River.
a) Trail of Tears
b) Indian Removal Act
c) Bill of Rights
d) Articles of Confederation

What political party was created by Andrew Jackson and his followers?
a) Whig Party
b) Democratic Party
c) Republican Party
d) none of the above

What party opposed the Democratic Party? This party was also known as the National Republican Party?
a) Whig Party
b) Federalists
c) Reform Party
d) none of the above

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