Motion Question Preview (ID: 50988)
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A car moves along a road that has markers every kilometer. Over time, it passes the markers in shorter periods of time. Which best describes the motion of the car?
a) the car is keeping the same direction
b) the car is maintaining the same speed
c) the car is increasing speed
d) the car is changing direction
A student is a passenger in the front seat of a moving car. Which object is the best frame of reference for the student to determine how fast the car is moving relative to the ground?
a) a person sitting in the backseat of the car
b) a truck traveling in the lane next to the car
c) the driver sitting next to the student
d) a signpost on the side of the road
A girl walked for 30 minutes. She noticed that she traveled farther in the first 15 minutes of her walk than in the second 15 minutes. What can she conclude about her walk?
a) she walked over many hills
b) her average speed was faster during the first part of her walk
c) she walked in two different directions
d) she was walking at a constant speed
A rollerblader is blading along the sidewalk. Which forms of measurement would be the best to use to determine the rollerblader's speed?
a) time and distance
b) density and mass
c) volume and time
d) mass and distance
A dog goes 6 meters in one second. By the end of the next second, the dog has traveled an additional 4 meters. Which best describes the motion of the dog during the two seconds?
a) the dog slows down
b) the dog comes to a stop
c) the dog changes mass
d) the dog changes direction
The graph of an object at constant motion is
a) A curved line
b) A straight line
c) None of these
d) Both of these
All objects in the universe are in motion
a) True
b) False
The speed of an object in a particular direction
a) Speed
b) Acceleration
c) Velocity
d) Motion
a place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion
a) Motion
b) Velocity
c) Frame of reference
d) Point of reference
You can tell how an object is moving by the graph of its motion.
a) True
b) False
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