English Vocabulary Review #2 Question Preview (ID: 50986)

Second Review For Vocabulary Terms (Foods Adjective). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What category would an apple fall into?
a) Cheese
b) Candy
c) Meat
d) Fruit

What type of food is chocolate?
a) Pretzels
b) Fruit
c) Candy
d) Almonds

What is the best snack to get for watching a movie?
a) Shrimp Tacos
b) Popcorn
c) Apple sauce
d) Cheese

How would you feel if your mom got you a new kitten?
a) Dull
b) Confused
c) Excited
d) Clean

What word would you used to describe that you were really upset?
a) Angry
b) Confused
c) Bored
d) Worried

What would would you use to describe a red dress for the Chinese New Year?
a) Adventurous
b) Confused
c) Fancy
d) Excited

What word would you use to describe something that is unknown?
a) Angry
b) Mysterious
c) Adjective
d) Clear

What is the term for a word that describes something?
a) Amused
b) Confused
c) Adjective
d) Clear

What is the food called that has warm chips and melted cheese on top?
a) Nachos
b) Chili
c) Shrimp Tacos
d) Hamburger

How would you feel if you found something that you lost?
a) Worried
b) Bored
c) Relieved
d) Angry

What word do you use to describe something that is really funny?
a) Courageous
b) Mysterious
c) Amused
d) Hilarious

What word would best describe how a puppy looks?
a) Clean
b) Bright
c) Adorable
d) Hilarious

What word would best describe how a diamond looks?
a) Cloudy
b) Shiny
c) Plain
d) Clean

What is something that people in America like to put on apples?
a) Apple Sauce
b) Almonds
c) Cheese
d) Peanut Butter

What is the snack called where people mash apples and cinnamon called?
a) Candy
b) Pretzels
c) Popcorn
d) Apple Sauce

What is one of the common nuts that people eat for a snack called?
a) Chips
b) Almonds
c) Popcorn
d) Cheese

What is it called when you mix a lot of fruits or vegetables together?
a) Crackers
b) Apple Sauce
c) Popcorn
d) Salad

How would you describe a day when the sun was not out?
a) Clear
b) Bright
c) Cloudy
d) Fancy

What would would you use to describe someone who did something brave?
a) Amused
b) Bright
c) Courageous
d) Mysterious

What word would you use to describe a white T-shirt?
a) Fancy
b) Bright
c) Plain
d) Clear

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