Unit 7- Reading Question Preview (ID: 50974)

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Your nose sends a message to a part of your ______.
a) brain
b) center
c) mouth
d) eyes

You sneeze because ______ make a home in your nose and tickle you.
a) virus
b) animals
c) germs
d) cold

The part of your brain that controls sneezing is called the sneeze _______.
a) center
b) eyes
c) brain
d) germs

You close your _____ when you sneeze.
a) fingers
b) hands
c) mouth
d) eyes

A sneeze can travel as fast as a _________.
a) animal
b) center
c) car
d) tissue

All of your ____ push hard to get the germs out.
a) muscles
b) nose
c) car
d) brain

Have a ______ ready, because a sneeze happens quickly.
a) muscles
b) tissue
c) germs
d) brain

Sneezing sends germs out of your ________.
a) mouth
b) nose
c) eyes
d) ears

Many _____ sneeze, too!
a) doctors
b) students
c) people
d) animals

When you have a _______, you often sneeze.
a) headache
b) earache
c) cold
d) fever

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