Grade 5 Adverb Test Review Question Preview (ID: 50970)

Adverb Test Review Game - Grade 5. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

We all had a (real/very) good time at the zoo.
a) real
b) very

Is the word in all capital letters used correctly: Don't NEVER put your hand in an animal's cage at the zoo.
a) Yes, it is used correctly.
b) No, it is not used correctly.

Find the correct word: The tropical bird exhibit was a (good/well) exhibit.
a) good
b) well

Find the correct word: The monkeys swing very (good/well) from tree to tree.
a) good
b) well

The sloth was so still that it was hard to believe he was (real/very).
a) real
b) very

Complete the sentence: Of all the animals, the cheetah ran _____.
a) quickly
b) more quickly
c) quicklyest
d) most quickly

Complete the sentence: We watched the orangutans ____ than we watched the elephants.
a) long
b) longer
c) longest
d) more longer

Complete the sentence: We arrived at the zoo ___ than my cousins.
a) early
b) earlier
c) earliest

Find the adverb: The seals swam rapidly through the water.
a) swam
b) rapidly
c) through
d) water

Find the adverb: The lion roared loudly
a) the
b) lion
c) roared
d) loudly

Find the adverb: Our trip to the zoo was very exciting.
a) trip
b) zoo
c) very
d) exciting

What do you do to an adverb if it compares more than two actions?
a) Add -s or -es to the end.
b) Add -er, or if it is a big word or ends with -ly, put the word MORE in front.
c) Add -est, or if it is a big word or ends with -ly, put the word MOST in front
d) Add -ed to the end.

What do you do to an adverb when it compares two actions?
a) Add -s or -es to the end.
b) Add -er, or if it is a big word or ends with -ly, put the word MORE in front.
c) Add -est, or if it is a big word or ends with -ly, put the word MOST in front
d) Add -ed to the end.

What is an adverb
a) An adverb describes a verb.
b) An adverb describes an adjective.
c) An adverb describes another adverb.
d) All of the other three answers are correct - an adverb can describe a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

Is the word in all capital letters used correctly: No one COULD resist petting the animals in the petting zoo.
a) Yes, it is used correctly.
b) No, it is not used correctly.

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