Grade 8: Choix Multiples (SET 1) Question Preview (ID: 50940)

Career Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) to keep
b) to draw
c) to become
d) to guess

un emploi
a) a career
b) a job
c) a field
d) a course

créatif / créative
a) creative
b) imaginative
c) truly
d) guidance

un cours
a) a field
b) a course
c) a contest
d) a job

une compagnie aérienne
a) a chocolate maker
b) a flight attendant
c) an announcer
d) an airline

un confiserie
a) a chocolate maker
b) a flight attendant
c) a candy store
d) a field

une carrière
a) German
b) a career
c) a job
d) truly

un domaine
a) a career
b) a job
c) a field
d) a contest

a) Spanish
b) Greek
c) English
d) German

un annonceur / une annonceuse
a) a career
b) a chocolate maker
c) an announcer
d) guidance

un analyste financier / une analyste financière
a) a financial analyst
b) biology
c) confectionery
d) visual arts

un(e) agent(e)de bord
a) a financial analyst
b) an airline
c) an announcer
d) a flight attendant

a) French
b) German
c) creative
d) truly

a) to babysit
b) to become
c) to want
d) to have to

a) history
b) geography
c) biology
d) visual arts

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