Dog Of The Sea Waves Question Preview (ID: 50937)
After Reading The Story Dog Of The Sea Waves, Answer These Review Questions.
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Why did the author write this story?
a) Persuade
b) Inform
c) Entertain
d) Research
What is it called when a word says the sound it makes? (jolt, pow, crash)
a) onomatopoeia
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) preposition
What is the genre of this book?
a) Folktale
b) Realistic Fiction
c) Humorous Fiction
d) Non-Fiction
Why did the illustrator include small drawings of creatures and plants?
a) He thought they were cute.
b) To take up space on the pages.
c) It was part of a scavenger hunt.
d) To show the diversity of plants and animals in Hawaii.
What makes the brothers brave?
a) They find Dog of the Sea Waves.
b) They gather supplies from the islands.
c) They explore a place that is new to them.
d) They swim in the ocean.
What kind of animal is Dog of the Sea Waves?
a) seal
b) dolphin
c) fish
d) shark
What is Manu doing instead of helping his brothers?
a) Laying on the beach
b) Taking a nap
c) Eating all their food
d) Playing with Dog of the Sea Waves
Why was the sea described as a monster?
a) The sea had horns.
b) The sea was dangerous.
c) The sea made growling noises.
d) The sea was furry.
What was causing the sea waves to move so much?
a) Tsunami
b) Hurricane
c) Earthquake
d) Volcano
How did Manu get back to his brothers after going under the water?
a) Dog of the Sea Waves saved him.
b) He swam to the top of the waves.
c) His brothers pulled him up.
d) He swam to shore.
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