Quiz Bowl - Literature Question Preview (ID: 50914)

All Questions Literature Based. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the sunshine symbolize in The Scarlet Letter?
a) new insight
b) secrets
c) goodness, as opposed to the evil of the forest
d) honesty, freedom from sin, and happiness

What is the dance of anger in Touching Spirit Bear?
a) for Cole, it was as if he was attacking the bear, dealing with his frustrations
b) for Sam, it was yelling and screaming to his friend, Thomas
c) there is no dance of anger in the novel, it is all about peace and love
d) what anyone typically would do in a fit of anger - throw stuff

What was ironic about Arthur Jarvis's death in Cry, Beloved Country?
a) he was murdered in the midst of a robbery by Absalom - the audience knows
b) the priests mourn the loss
c) he was an activist
d) he had scared the robbers

What is the mood in The White Heron?
a) suspence and urgency
b) excitement and mystery
c) somber and melancholy
d) love and passion

What have dragons traditionally represented in literature?
a) power/control
b) satan/evil
c) Japanese culture
d) Asian cultures

What does the forest symbolize in The Scarlet Letter?
a) evil
b) a refuge from society
c) isolation
d) peace

What are the names of the trolls in The Hobbit?
a) Matt, Mark, Luke
b) Fred, Les, and Alan
c) Bert, William, and Tom
d) Sam, George, and Mike

What type of protagonist is common to psychological suspense?
a) male, highly intelligent, narcissistic
b) male or female - low intelligence and easy going
c) female, high-strung and spoiled
d) female, highly intelligent, overly friendly

How many books did Elie Wiesel write?
a) only Night
b) many
c) three: The Gates of the Forest, Night, and Souls on FIre
d) two

What is the theme of Edward Scissorhands?
a) forbidden love
b) perseverance pays off
c) self-discovery and isolation
d) revenge

Why was fight club created in the first place by Tyler and the narrator?
a) to promote Project Mayhem
b) to make money
c) for men to gather, drink and horse play
d) for men to gather and fight, but Tyler planned to destroy society returning to a simpler, more violent time

In Things Fall Apart, why does Okonkwo kill Ikemefuna?
a) to get even with her
b) he loved her and didn't want anyone else to love her
c) as a retribution for the woman killed three years before in Mbaino
d) to prove his control, power, and manhood

Give an example of foreshadowing in the book Animal Farm.
a) Boxer's death when the dogs go mad
b) Napolean and the other pigs will betray the rebellion
c) the collapse of the farm into violence
d) all of the above

Why did Hester name her child Pearl in The Scarlet Letter?
a) she was beautiful and created through pain
b) she had beautiful white skin
c) they lived next to the ocean and she loved oysters
d) her grandmother's name was Pearl

What do prisoners scream in the cattle wagon in Night?
a) crying for food
b) death rattles
c) please, leave our people alone
d) save us

What figure of speech is used in the poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening?
a) onomatopoeia
b) alliteration
c) oxymorons
d) personification

What is parallelism in literature?
a) a literary device that demonstrates mathematical terms
b) a literary device which uses juxtaposition
c) a literary device similar to concrete poetry - written in parallelograms
d) a literary device in which parts of the sentence or structure are similar in construction - sometimes repetition

How do the woods act as an obstacle to keeping promises in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening?
a) the beauty of the snow that blankets the woods distracts the speaker from his obligations
b) the harness bells keep his attention, making him late
c) the horses take him to the wrong part of the forest
d) he is lost in the woods

Who originally wrote The Three Little Pigs fairy tale?
a) The Brothers Grimm
b) James Halliwell-Phillipps
c) Johan Jacobs Adams
d) Thomas Anderson

In the poem Annabel Lee, according to the narrator, why was his love taken away from him?
a) she did not return his love
b) he didn't deserve it
c) he was a horrible, abusive man
d) they were jealous of the love between himself and her

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