Sub-Saharan Africa Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 50911)

Sub-Saharan Africa Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a country with a lot of industrial activity and where people generally have high incomes
a) more developed
b) less developed
c) high developed
d) developed

a country that does not have a lot of industrial activity and where people have low incomes
a) less developed
b) more developed
c) high developed
d) developed

to enter and live in a new country
a) immigration
b) migration
c) moving
d) U-Haul

universal rights possessed by all people in the world because they are a human being
a) human rights
b) animal rights
c) civil rights
d) right hand turns

systematic killing of a particular ethnic group
a) genocide
b) war
c) battle
d) extermination

physical geographic feature characterized by sharp cliffs caused by erosion, such as the Great Rift Valley
a) escarpment
b) plateau
c) erosion
d) delta

a poor agricultural country that is seeking to become more advanced economically and socially
a) developing country
b) under developing country
c) over developing country
d) population

process where fertile land turns into desert, usually caused by overgrazing
a) desertification
b) poor management
c) certification
d) farming

a fight between opposing groups for control of a country’s government
a) civil war
b) terrorism
d) battle

having little or no rain
a) arid
b) desert
c) savanna
d) forest

a system of legal racial segregation that existed in South Africa between 1948 and 1993, under which the rights of the majority ‘non-white’ inhabitants of the country were restricted
a) apartheid
b) communism
c) socialism
d) democracy

a situation in which people are governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom
a) oppression
b) genocide
c) democracy
d) encouragement

migrant people who flee their homelands to escape disaster, persecution, or war
a) refugees
b) tourists
c) aliens
d) military

having lower temperatures and cooler nights than hot, dry deserts
a) semiarid
b) arid
c) savanna
d) forest

a system that keeps different groups separate from each other, either through physical dividers or using social pressures and laws
a) segregation
b) separation
c) genocide
d) desertification

the underdeveloped nations of the world, especially those with widespread poverty
a) third world country
b) first world country
c) second world country
d) fourth world country

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