Area Question Preview (ID: 50897)

Parellograms Triangles Trapezoids. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The area of a parallelogram is 390 inches square. The height is 30 in. What is the base?
a) 16 in
b) 11700 in
c) 13 in
d) 20 in

The area of a rectangle is 320 meters squared. The width of the rectangle is 16m. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
a) 12 m
b) 3200 m
c) 20 m
d) 16 m

The base of a triangle is 30 in and the height is 12 in. What is the area of the triangle??
a) .4 in squared
b) 2.5 in squared
c) 360 in squared
d) 180 in squared

A trapezoid has a height of 4.6 ft and two parallel bases that are 8 ft and 4ft . What is the area of the trapezoid?
a) 27.6 square feet
b) 55.2 square feet
c) 16.6 square feet
d) 38.6 square feet

The perimeter of a square is 60 feet. What is the area?
a) 15 ft square
b) 225 ft square
c) 20 ft square
d) 360 ft square

If a triangle has an area of 15 in square and a height of 5 in, what is the base measurement?
a) 3 in
b) 75 in
c) 12in
d) 6 in

What is the formula for finding the area of a triangle?
a) base X height
b) 1/2 Base X 1/2 height
c) 2 ( base X height)
d) 1/2 ( base X height)

How do you find the perimeter of a polygon.
a) You add up all of the numbers on the figure
b) You multiply base X height
c) You add up the lengths of the sides of the figure, being careful not to add in lengths that are not a side.
d) You call Mrs Hannah and ask her.

How do you know which sides are the bases in a trapezoid?
a) They form right angles
b) They are the two sides that are parallel to one another
c) They are the smallest sides
d) They have decimal numbers for measurements

What is the formula for finding the area of a trapezoid?
a) 1/2 ( base X height)
b) Average the bases then multiply by the height
c) base X height
d) add the sides and divide by 2

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