Cellular Respiration Question Preview (ID: 50883)

Practice Cellular Respiration Details. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Cellular Respiration is_____________ photosynthesis
a) opposite of
b) same as

Which is a reactant of cellular respiration?
a) Carbon Dioxide
b) Water
c) Sunlight
d) Glucose

What is the main goal of cellular respiration?
a) to make glucose
b) to make carbon dioxide
c) to make ATP energy
d) to make water

what type of organisms do cellular respiration?
a) plants
b) animals
c) both

We get glucose from...
a) eating
b) breathing
c) digesting
d) inhaling

Which is a by-product of cellular respiration? (extra)
a) ATP
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Energy
d) Oxygen

What organelle does cellular respiration occur in?
a) Mitochondria
b) Nucleus
c) Chloroplast

Cellular respiration has how many products?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Where do plants get glucose?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Breathe it in
c) Inhale
d) Consume

What is an example of a producer?
a) Lion
b) Plant
c) turtle
d) human

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