Grade 3 Lesson 3 I Can't Wait To... Question Preview (ID: 50860)
Talk About Travel And Future Plans.
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I can't wait to ride a _____ in the Sahrara Desert.
a) camel
b) dog
c) horse
d) bike
I can't wait to ___ Mount Fuji.
a) swim
b) run
c) hike
d) look
I can't wait to _____ the movie.
a) smell
b) look
c) watch
d) hear
I can't ___ to go to Seoul.
a) wait
b) weight
c) late
d) fate
What is the English word? 관광 명소
a) tourist
b) sight seeing
c) tourist attractions
d) attractions
The Great Wall of China is is which country?
a) Vietnam
b) China
c) Thailand
d) Greece
Mount Fuji is in which country?
a) Japan
b) Russia
c) China
d) Mongolia
The Sahara Desert is in which country?
a) Zambia
b) India
c) South Africa
d) Morocco
Hanauma Bay is in which country?
a) Jamaica
b) Jeju
c) Hawaii
d) Peru
The Louvre Art Museum is in which country?
a) Spain
b) France
c) Germany
d) Italy
The Statue of Liberty is in which country?
a) America
b) Australia
c) UK
d) Finalnd
I can't wait to see the cherry ________.
a) bloomers
b) blossoms
c) blammers
d) bussers
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