Expanded Notation Question Preview (ID: 50846)

Choose The Correct Value Of The Designated Numbers. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the value of the 2 in the number 203.4?
a) (2x10)
b) 200
c) (2x1000)
d) 20

What is the value of the 5 in the number 15.8?
a) (5x1)
b) 15
c) (5x10)
d) (5x100)

What is the value of the 8 in the number 248,590,945?
a) 8,000
b) (8x 100,000)
c) (8x1,000,000)
d) 800,000

What is the value of the 4 in the number 532.47?
a) (4x10)
b) (4x0.01)
c) (4x0.1)
d) (4x0.001)

What is the value of the 1 in the number 51,677,890?
a) (1x1000)
b) (1x1,000,000)
c) (1x10,000)
d) 100,000

What is the value of the 7 in the number 234,455.97?
a) (7x0.01)
b) (7x0.1)
c) 70
d) 0.7

What is the value of the 6 in the nubmer 469,843.9?
a) (6x60,000)
b) 60
c) (6x1,000)
d) 60,000

What is the value of the 5 in the number 14.59?
a) (5x0.01)
b) 0.50
c) (5x10)
d) (5x50)

What is the value of the 3 in the number 23,456,987.88?
a) (3x1,000,000)
b) (3x100,000)
c) (3x10,000,000)
d) 300,000

What is the value of the 2 in the number 24.56?
a) 20
b) (2x20)
c) (2x1)
d) (2x0.20)

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