UNIT 7-VOCABULARY 2 Question Preview (ID: 50845)

Practice Vocab 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Last year, my brother fell off his bike. He couldn't walk for weeks because he had________.
a) a broken leg
b) a broken arm
c) a scratch
d) a bruise

Mom touched the stove, and she got __________ on her hand.
a) a cut
b) a broken arm
c) a burn
d) a scratch

Last night the cat jumped up at my sister. She got ________ but it is very small.
a) a burn
b) a scratch
c) a bruise
d) a cut

Our teacher couldn't write on the board for weeks because she had ________.
a) a bruise
b) a cut
c) a scratch
d) a broken arm

My best friend's knee looks black and blue! He got _______ when he played soccer!
a) a bruise
b) a cut
c) a scratch
d) a burn

When I was a little kid, I ran with some scissors and fell. I had to see the doctor because I had _______ on my leg. It's really hurt!
a) a scratch
b) a cut
c) a broken arm
d) a burn

I have a scratch. What should I do?
a) You should wash it.
b) You should go to bed.

What an ugly bruise. What happened to her?
a) She had a bike accident.
b) She ate too much chocolate.

How did you get that cut?
a) I ran with scissors. Bad idea!
b) I ate too much ice cream! Bad idea!

Is that a burn?
a) Yes, I have a headache.
b) Yes, I touched the stove!

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