Muscular System Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 50829)

Movements, Origin, Insertion, Prime Mover... TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The movement that increases the angle of a joint.
a) Extension
b) Flexion
c) Rotation
d) Eversion

The movement of an appendage away from the midline of the body.
a) Abduction
b) Adduction
c) Pronation
d) Extension

The movement from palms facing backward to palms facing forward.
a) Supination
b) Pronation
c) Oppostion
d) Adduction

Moving the distal end of an appendage in a circular motion.
a) Circumduction
b) Rotation
c) Retraction
d) Plantar Flexion

Movement that involves flexing the foot up toward the tibia.
a) Dorsiflexion
b) Plantar Flexion
c) Inversion
d) Pronation

Rotating the foot so that the sole of the foot faces medially.
a) Inversion
b) Eversion
c) Dorsiflection
d) Opposition

Drawing the head backwards
a) Retraction
b) Protraction
c) Eversion
d) Extension

Movement that involves touching the tip of your fingers to the tip of the thumb.
a) Opposition
b) Protraction
c) Pronation
d) Circumduction

The main muscle responsible for a particular movement.
a) Prime Mover
b) Synergist
c) Antagonist
d) Rotator

Smaller muscle that aids the prime mover.
a) Synergist
b) Opposition
c) Antagonist
d) Tagonist

Muscle that does the opposite of the prime mover.
a) Antagonist
b) Agonist
c) Synergist
d) Protagonist

The point at which a skeletal muscle attaches to the bone that DOESN'T move.
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) Prime Mover
d) Protagonist

The point at which a skeletal muscle attaches to the bone that DOES move.
a) Insertion
b) Origin
c) Motor Unit
d) Neuromuscular Junction

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