Axis Success In Europe And Asia (675 - 679) Question Preview (ID: 50717)

Axis Success In Europe And Asia (675 - 679). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In what year did WWII start?
a) 1939
b) 1941
c) 1914
d) 1952

Which troops were first to attack?
a) German
b) Italian
c) U.S.
d) Russian

Who built the Maginot Line?
a) France
b) Germany
c) China
d) Russia

What happened on June 16, 1940?
a) Germany invaded Paris
b) Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
c) Germany surrendered
d) The US entered the war

In total war a country uses ALL of its _____________ to destroy all of the_________ of another country.
a) resources
b) soldiers
c) bridges
d) buildings

Where did the battle of Britain take place?
a) British skies
b) British land
c) British sea
d) German skies

What did Hitler do in October of 1941?
a) stopped the air war
b) defeated England
c) invaded Mexico
d) attacked Pearl Harbor

What did the Germans use to attack merchant ships headed to England?
a) submarines
b) nuclear bombs
c) jet fighters
d) catapults

Whose side was the U.S.A. on when the war started?
a) neither (they were neutral)
b) Axis
c) Allies
d) Central Powers

Who was the U.S. president during WWII?
a) Roosevelt
b) Carter
c) Lincoln
d) Ford

What did the British get to do through the Lend-Lease program?
a) borrow weapons from the US
b) buy real estate
c) charge high interest on government loans
d) loan weapons to the US

Why did Hitler ignore the treaty with the Soviet Union and attacked them?
a) he wanted their resources
b) he needed a new sea port
c) he did not attack them
d) the Soviets attacked first

Historians consider the Battle of ________________ as a turning point in the war.
a) El Almein
b) Iraq
c) Trans Siberia
d) Hastings

Between 1939 and 1941 where did Japan get its gasoline and old iron from?
a) China
b) the U.S.
c) Germany
d) Italy

What did the U.S. stop doing that made the Japanese prepare for war with the U.S.A.
a) Trading with Japan
b) Trading with England
c) The Olympics
d) Building trains

Where did Japan first attack the U.S.?
a) Pearl Harbor Hawaii
b) San Diego
c) Panama
d) The Phillipiines

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