Magazine Articles Conventions Question Preview (ID: 50661)

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How do you call the big letter at the beginning of the first paragraph of an article?
a) Drop Cap
b) Pull
c) Masthead
d) By-line

Can magazines be biased?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Not usually
d) most are

The written text of an article, presented in columns, and following the magazine standards of font size and style is called
a) body copy
b) drop capital
c) headline
d) anchorage

What is likely to be featured as very big in a double page spread?
a) The image and headline
b) the stand first
c) the body copy and paragraph layout
d) the anchorage and text grabs

What is likely to be read by ALL magazine readers, even if they don't read the whole paragraph?
a) the byline
b) the lead paragraph
c) the body copy
d) the negative space

What is the lead?
a) the introductory paragraph of an article
b) the title of the article in big fonts
c) the small gap between 2 columns
d) a really big capital letter that introduces the first paragraph

Where does the Stand First go?
a) After the headline and before the article
b) Before the byline
c) After the masthead and before the headline
d) In the gutter

Where does the name of the journalist go?
a) In the masthead
b) in the gutter
c) in the by-line
d) in the drop capital

How do you call the quotes used in the middle of columns in an article, in a bigger font?
a) text grabs
b) mast head
c) headline
d) negative space

How do you call the space between 2 columns?
a) gutter
b) blank space
c) subheading
d) drop cap

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