Chemical Reactions Question Preview (ID: 50655)
Chemical Reactions Play An Important Role In Our Daily Life. This Game Aims To Review Chemical Reactions Course For Grade 6students.
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Physical change is:
a) The change in identity of a substance.
b) The change in the mass of a substance.
c) The burning of fuel.
d) None of the choices.
Chemical change is:
a) The change from ice into water.
b) The change in the identity of a substance.
c) The change in shape (form), size and state of a substance without modification in the identity of a substance.
d) All of the choices.
Digestion is a:
a) Physical Change.
b) Chemical Change.
c) Both.
d) None of the choices.
Tearing a paper is a:
a) Physical Change.
b) Chemical Change.
c) Both
d) None of the choices.
Rusting of Iron is a:
a) Physical Change.
b) Chemical Change
c) Both.
d) None of the choices.
The action of hydrochloric acid on zinc metal is a:
a) Physical Change.
b) Chemical Change.
c) Both.
d) None.
Indications on the occurrence of chemical reactions are:
a) Color changes.
b) Gas releases.
c) Energy exchanges
d) All of the choices.
During a chemical reaction:
a) The total mass of reactants is less than that of the products
b) The total mass of reactants is greater than that of the products.
c) The total mass of reactants is equal to that of the products
d) None of the choices
The freezing of water is an indication of:
a) Change of state.
b) Physical Change
c) Formation of water vapor.
d) All of the choices.
Lavoisier stated that:
a) During a chemical reaction, mass is lost.
b) During a chemical reaction, mass is gained.
c) During a chemical reaction, matter is created.
d) During a chemical reaction, mass is conserved.
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