Weekly Voc. Week 2 Question Preview (ID: 50649)

Week 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What word means the value or the position in which a digit appears in a number?
a) subject
b) predicate
c) place value
d) even

What word means the part of the sentence that includes the verb and something about the subject?
a) Subject
b) predicate
c) odd
d) sentence

What word means a whole number that CANNOT be divided evenly by two?
a) place value
b) even
c) odd
d) sentence

What word means a whole number that can be split in two?
a) even
b) odd
c) place value
d) sentence

What word means a group of words that express a complete thought, feeling or idea?
a) predicate
b) subject
c) sentence
d) odd

What word completes the sentence? We used our __________ skills to determine the value of the five in one hundred fifty-two.
a) subject
b) odd
c) place value
d) even

What word means the part of a sentence that names the person or thing that the sentence is about?.
a) narrative
b) subject
c) predicate
d) even

What word completes the sentence? When you write a _________, be sure that the first word always starts with a capital letter.
a) sentence
b) predicate
c) subject
d) even

What word completes the sentence? We used our __________ skills to determine the value of the five in one hundred fifty-two.
a) sentence
b) even
c) place value
d) odd

Thirty-two is an _________ number.
a) even
b) odd
c) sentence
d) subject

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